EE3005/EE3011 - Systems, Control and Signal Processing - Dr. Norbert Cheung
Teaching Schedule / Online teaching / Thursday 12:30pm - 3:30pm
- 19/11/2020 - Introduction, Analogue Simulation/Filters - <online lecture>; <lecture 1> <lecture 2>
- 26/11/2020 - PID Control; Introduction to State Space Control - <online lecture>; <lecture review>
- 3/12/2020 - Test 3 - <online test> -
About TEST 3
- Print out 3~6 pages of lin-log graph papers, for Bode plotting. Alternatively you could draw your own graph paper.
- Make sure you are online on Teams. You will receive further information by that time.
- If your student number last digit is: 1, 3, 6,8 >>> do paper A. Last digit is 2, 4, 9 >>> do paper B. Last digit is 5, 7, 0 >> do paper C. Password is: <paper_a><paper_b><paper_c>
- Test duration 90 min. Answer all questions. Starts: 12:40pm Finishes: 2:10pm Submit by: 2:20pm
- HOW TO GET BONUS MARKS - During the test, if you receive any message from your classmate asking you to do anything, report to me immediately. If we can discover cheating, marks from the cheating student will be automatically transferred to you. Everything is totally confidential. So, no need to worry. All you need is to send me a email ([email protected]) , I will handle the rest.
Laboratory Session / Project on Control / EF402 Thursday 3:30pm - 6:30 pm
- Organize in groups of 5~6. Each group will receive a project kit.
- Build the project kit (software/hardware). You do not need to come to PolyU to build the project.
- When finished, take a 2~3 min video clip as demo. Submit a group report and a demo video.
- Report must contain: 1. Introduction to the operation principle. 2. Organization of the group, and any practical difficulties encountered. 3. Results (successful or not?). 4. Suggestions on the applications of this project.
- Free format. NOT more than 5 page, excluding cover page.
Students who can be exempted from the project
- Students who are not in Hong Kong, you will do an individual study report instead. See details below.
- Students who have taken the project component before, cab be exempted. Fill in and sign the declaration form.
- Declaration form and individual study report, <submit here>. Deadline: End of week 12
- Week 5, 6 - distribution on the project kit (come to EF402 to get it)
- Week 7, 8, 9, 10 work on the project kit (Normally, students could finish their work within 5~6 hours)
- There will be online help during 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm on Week 7~9. <click here for help>
- Week 11, 12 - Upload the demo video and report <click here to upload>
Project Kit Information
- Download the project information files <from here>. May need to unzip the download file.
- The information is in Chinese. Local students please help the international students to do some translation.
How to submit your report and video file
- No need to submit the hardware. Students can keep it.
- Method of submission <click here>. Deadline: End of week 12.